Firefighter Adam ThimmigEighteen new firefighters now serve at a fire station near you! Check back daily and get to know them.

Where are you stationed?
I'm at Station 11 (Morgan Way) on the A shift.

Why did you want to pursue this career?
I have always been drawn to team-based environments and wanted to use my physical and mental attributes for a good cause. Firefighting seemed to be a great fit.

Why did you want to work in Madison, for the Madison Fire Department?
I was born in Madison and have spent most of my life living in the area. I really value the idea of working for the city that I know so well and from which I have benefited so much. Paying it forward through service is a wonderful feeling.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
Applying and hoping for the chance to represent my hometown fire department for 12 years led to running my first call with my first crew out of my first-assigned station on January 18. It is a small thing in the grand scheme of a career, but it felt great!

Looking back at the Fire Academy, what was the most challenging element?
The greatest challenge for me was in the responsibility to work well with everyone in Class 5. We had great camaraderie but the constantly changing platoons that we worked with meant that you had to adjust to the strengths and weaknesses of the group, rather than just proving your individual capabilities. This made the academy an exercise of helping to prove the worth of your team rather than just yourself.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD?
Research what you are getting yourself into. The reality of responding to emotionally-challenging situations on calls can prove to be a higher hurdle than the physical requirements. Getting experience as a volunteer/paid-on-call Emergency Responder is a great way to learn whether the field is right for you.



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Category: General, Station 11