Red Cross volunteers on fire truckThe fifth annual Public Safety “Never Forget” Blood Drive was held on Friday, September 9 at the MATC Protective Services Center. The drive came just after the American Red Cross announced it's facing a critical blood shortage across the country.
The Madison Fire and Police Departments called upon commissioned and civilian employees – and their friends and families – to collect as many blood donations as possible between September 9 and September 16.
And the results are in…
48 donations were pledged on behalf of the Madison Fire Department, and 43 donations were pledged on behalf of the Madison Police Department – bringing together 91 total donations!

Some individuals opted to make their contributions go even farther by offering a Double Red Cell Donation.
Mark your calendar: Next year’s “Never Forget” blood drive will take place on Monday, September 11, and we hope to see you there!

See photos from the 2016 Blood Drive on the MFD Facebook page.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fire and a link back to the original post.

Category: General