Don't Wait, CommunicateThroughout National Preparedness Month, we’re offering tips to help you know what to do if a disaster happens.

This week: Creating Communication and Evacuation Plans.


Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes, so it’s important to think about the following situations and plan just in case. Consider the following questions when making a plan:

  • How will my household get emergency alerts and warnings?
  • How will my household get to safe locations during disasters that can occur in our area (tornadoes, floods, severe storms, etc.)?
  • How will my household get in touch if cell phone, internet, or landline telephones don’t work?
  • How will I let loved ones know I’m safe?
  • How will my household get to a meeting place after the emergency?

Here are some resources to help your family prepare:

Keep an eye on the MFD Blog for more preparedness tips throughout September. 

Be a part of the nationwide discussion online under the hashtag #NatlPrep.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fire and a link back to the original post.

Category: General, Your Safety