Firefighter Jadon Beehner with pike pole and milk crateE10 joined the life rescue efforts of a north-side team of duckling rescuers on Green Ave. on July 3.

One person on the team had been on location for four hours trying desperately to dig the ducklings out of a sewer pipe. In that time he formulated a great idea, but only if he had a lot of water, a net, and some extra hands. That's when another of the local duck brigade had the idea to call her friend and firefighter.

Soon enough, Engine 10 was on their way.

We all chatted and implemented the plan, which involved 1000 gallons of water, 2 pike poles and a net secured by duct tape, a milk crate, and 14 helping hands.

Mama duck was soon reunited with four baby ducklings. Great job Duck Brigade!

E10 celebrated the confined space rescue with a Culver's run.

--Lt. Liza Tatar, Station 10-A


Member of Duck Brigade with Mama Duck
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Category: Station 10