Lt. Ted HigginsSeven new lieutenants were promoted earlier this year. We introduce them to you all week long on the MFD blog.

What is your new station and shift assignment?

Engine Co. 9 (Midvale Blvd.), "C" platoon
What was your previous assignment?
My first assignment was as a firefighter at Engine Co. 1 on Dayton Street. Shortly after, I was reassigned as a Firefighter/Paramedic and served at Medic 1, Medic 2, and Medic 9. In 2011, I was promoted to Apparatus Engineer and served with Ladder Co. 2 (Grand Canyon Dr.) and Ladder Co. 6 (Badger Rd.). Driving fire trucks for a living was a dream come true and it's the best job I've ever had.
How many years have you served with the MFD?
I was hired on October 27, 2003 with Recruit Group 23. It's hard to put into words how honored I feel to have been chosen to serve as a City of Madison firefighter. It's the best job in the world.
What's the most interesting call you've been on?
A few of the more challenging multi-alarm fires that I worked at were the St. Raphael Cathedral fire in 2005, the Roundhouse fire on Commercial Ave. in 2007, and the Underground Kitchen fire on Webster St. in 2011.
Other very rewarding calls have been the cardiac arrest, medical, and traumatic injury calls where people's lives were saved by the quick response and interventions of the City of Madison Fire Department's firefighters and paramedics.
I'm really lucky to have had the fortune of developing long-term friendships with some of the patients we've saved. They are wonderful people who are extremely grateful of our efforts– and we're humbled to have been put in the position to help them on those fateful days. It's great to see them doing so well and living life to the fullest. It's a unique connection and friendship we'll always have.
What do you do when you're not working at MFD?
When I'm off-duty, my most important job is as a husband and father of three great kids – Maggie (9), William (7), and Patrick (4). I also serve as Secretary/Treasurer for Fire Fighters Local 311 union. I play the bagpipes with Fire Fighters Local 311 Pipes & Drums and compete in regional highland games with the Madison Pipes & Drums. Playing the bagpipes and working for our union have been huge privileges – and it never feels like work when you're doing a job you love.
Anything else you'd like to share?
As both an employee and resident of the City of Madison, all residents of Madison should know they live in a safe community thanks to the dedicated firefighters, paramedics, and police officers who are working for us 24/7/365. Fully-staffed and equipped fire and police departments are the cornerstone of a safe and prosperous community like Madison.

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Category: General, Station 9