Lieutenant Jarad SchmittWhere are you stationed?
Station 10 (Troy Drive) on the ‘C’ shift.

What was your previous position?
Apparatus Engineer. I have had the opportunity to serve as a Firefighter, Paramedic, Apparatus Engineer, and Training Officer in my time here at MFD.

How long have you been with MFD?
Since 2008.

What do you like about your station and/or the territory?
I love the wide diversity of Madison’s north side. We have a great mix of residential, commercial, and institutional occupancies, including schools and medical facilities. We also cover the area around the Dane County Regional Airport and the Duck Pond, so there is a large number of visitors to this territory that we have the opportunity to serve and make an impact on.

What's the most rewarding aspect of the job for you?
By far, the individuals I work with. I have the pleasure of working with a wide range of individuals from every background imaginable. I have learned so much about different cultures, lifestyles, and general views on the world and life than I ever could from any other job. I also get the opportunity to serve a diverse population and speak with them about their own life experiences. My reward is the great interactions with so many different individuals.

What do you do when you're not working at MFD?
When I am not working at MFD I enjoy spending time with my wife and two children. Together we enjoy traveling, camping, fishing, going to baseball games, and just relaxing. We also have a dog, Thor, who we got from the Humane Society and we recently got some chickens to keep us busy.


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Category: General, Station 10