AE Brad VogenWhere are you stationed?
I'm at Station 4 (Monroe St.) on the C shift

Where were you previously?
For the last three years I was a firefighter/paramedic at Station 8 on the A shift.

How long have you served with the MFD?
I’m in my 6th year on the MFD.

What do you like about your station and/or territory?
Station 4 has many new challenges, having not worked in this type of environment before coming here. High-rise buildings and UW buildings are a challenge for a driver. Fire Department Connections and standpipe operations are a crucial part of firefighting in the downtown area. Knowing the territory and buildings in the area gives firefighters an advantage over the fire.

How do you hope to develop your craft over time?
Drivers are responsible for the apparatus and, having an interest and passion for mechanics, I find my new position interesting and fun. Knowing the mechanics of the engine, pump, and hydraulics at their core allows me to learn and perfect how I operate the apparatus.

What has been one of the most rewarding experiences of your career up to this point?
Being a paramedic on the job-- being able to perform life-saving interventions for people in need is a rewarding feeling.

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Category: General, Station 4