Firefighter Seth DahmenRecruit Class 8 is now serving at a fire station near you! Get to know Madison's newest firefighters.

Where are you stationed?
I’m at Station 1 (W. Dayton Street) on the ‘B’ shift.

Why did you want to pursue this career?
It’s been in the family. My dad is a firefighter and has been for 30 years, so I grew up around the fire service. Both of my younger brothers have been firefighters too.  

Why did you want to work in Madison?
Growing up in Sun Prairie, Madison’s always been close, and we used to come here all the time. I also went to high school in Madison. I like the city, and I thought it would be a cool place to work.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
SCUBA has been the most rewarding so far. It's a lot of responsibility for someone new to be on a special team. It's pretty cool to be handed that responsibility and trusted with it, even though I'm just in training.

Since graduating the Academy, what are among the most memorable experiences you've had?
Being down on State Street and seeing the different people and helping out a wide variety of people, as well as the variety of calls you go on downtown. Every day is different, and it's fun.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD?
Research the fire service, study, and know what you're getting yourself into because I think a lot of things surprise people— the workload that comes with the job, for example. There are some days you can be swamped non-stop. The Academy will prepare you for it, but do research before you sign up. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
I was in the Marine Corp for five years in the infantry and was an intern at Fitchburg Fire Department before that.


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Category: Station 1, General