Each year, Safety Town teaches pre-kindergarten kids about home and neighborhood safety in a fun and nurturing environment. With the help of a generous donation, this valuable learning opportunity is now available to more children through the Wisconsin Head Start program.
32 students attended Safety Town with scholarships provided by AAA through the Safe Kids Madison Area Coalition, more than doubling the number of Head Start students enrolled in previous years. 10 additional students will attend Safety Town in early July through the summer program’s self-funded scholarship.
“We know that safe and healthy habits are established at a young age," said Fire Chief Steven Davis. "We’re delighted that more children now have access to this learning opportunity thanks to AAA’s generosity.”
Bike safety, playground and school bus safety, motor vehicle protection, choking prevention, electrical safety, and hand washing are among the lessons presented to children during their week-long stay at Safety Town.

On Friday, July 1, these 32 young citizens of Safety Town graduated during a ceremony that featured songs and showcased the important lessons they learned that week.  
Safety Town is a collaborative initiative coordinated by the City of Madison Fire and Police Departments, American Family Children’s Hospital through its Safe Kids Madison Area coalition, and numerous local agencies invested in the safety of children and families.

Check out photos from Safety Town graduation!


Safety Town class photo


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Category: Your Safety