Don't Wait, Communicate logoSeptember is National Preparedness Month, and throughout the month we’re offering tips to help you and your family plan ahead in case of an emergency of disaster.
This week: Special Needs Disaster Preparation.


For those with disabilities or special needs, extra consideration must be given to emergency preparedness and planning.

Dane County Emergency Management provides resources for “medically fragile, disabled, and special needs citizens” who may face an emergency or disaster that could keep them away from home for several days.

A voluntary registry allows you to self-identify, or identify a friend or loved one, who cannot safely evacuate your home in the event of a disaster. Registering will enhance the ability of emergency management and local officials to meet the emergency needs of the community.

Consider applying to be on the Dane County Disaster Preparedness Registry if you or someone you care for would*:

  • Need outside help to safely leave your home during a disaster
  • Be in jeopardy if you had to stay in your home for three days, without assistance
  • Need special notification about the need for evacuation, due to impairment

Stay connected with the MFD Blog throughout September for more preparedness tips.

Be a part of the nationwide discussion online under the hashtag #NatlPrep.

*Information courtesy of Dane County Emergency Management.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fire and a link back to the original post.

Category: General, Your Safety