Firefighter Allie FeysRecruit Class 8 is now serving at a fire station near you! Get to know Madison's newest firefighters.

Where are you stationed?
Station 4 (Monroe Street) on the ‘C’ Shift.

Why did you want to pursue this career?
I am drawn to the multitude of tasks I may be asked to perform in this job and the chance to make a difference in this world. I love the mental and physical challenge that this career brings and the endless amount of knowledge there is to gain.

Why did you want to work for the Madison Fire Department?
I have always had a passion to work in public service and believe it is important to contribute to the community in which I live. MFD puts a great deal of effort into educating and providing excellent service for the City of Madison, which I feel strongly about.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience so far?
I love my job! The most rewarding part is being excited coming into work every day in the firehouse. There are many aspects of this career that are so unique compared to any other job I have had. I love that it challenges me mentally, physically, and emotionally, but also that I am able to spend my day helping people while having fun with my crew.

Since graduating from the Academy, what are among the most memorable experiences you've had?
I am extremely grateful to be part of such an amazing department and a profession where I am continuously learning. Since leaving the Academy I have learned so many new skills being in the field that are unable to be taught otherwise. It has been incredible to gain experience from different people on the job that have an immense amount of knowledge. Being able to work alongside people who are supportive and passionate about this job is a true honor.

Looking back at the Fire Academy, what was the most challenging part?
I would say the most difficult part was the daily physical stress that my body went through. Some days were certainly more taxing than others, and with weekends primarily being the only recovery days, my body was not used to the amount of physical activity while wearing an SCBA and turnout gear. The Academy is challenging in many aspects, and it is an accomplishment I am very proud of completing.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD?
The hiring process for MFD is very unique when comparing it to any other job I had applied for in the past. My advice is to be patient, take an active interest in learning about the department, and truly focus on each step of the process. I also believe it is important to be your authentic self, and allow the department to see who you are. An aspect which I respect about MFD is the diversity of people throughout the department. Everyone brings their own individual strengths to the table to accomplish the common purpose of serving our community.

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Category: Station 4, General