Nancy Robinson on Ladder 2We at the Madison Fire Department want to wish a happy retirement to Nancy Robinson.
Nancy has been a very influential person to this department, having had a hand in the education and development of every paramedic at the MFD for the last 35 years.
As the outgoing Program Manager for the UW Hospitals and Clinics Emergency Education Center (EEC), she leaves behind an institution renowned for training all levels of out-of-hospital and in-hospital care – a reputation achieved as a result of her decades’ worth of contributions.
The Center provides education for brand new paramedics seeking initial training as well as continuing education for experienced paramedics. Areas of focus include primary paramedic courses, outpatient care transport, and advanced nursing classes.
“Nancy Robinson took the Emergency Education program to a depth and breadth that nobody had ever done before,” said Madison Fire Department and UW EEC Medical Director Dr. Michael Lohmeier. “She has an incredible sense of humor and is incredibly passionate.”
“She’s an engaging teacher who really puts herself out there,” adds MFD Captain of EMS Training Jen Román, who remembers when Nancy played the part of a pediatric seizure patient so students could become familiar with the signs and symptoms. “From that point on, I always knew how to recognize a seizure patient.”
In addition to training our paramedics, Nancy also coordinated the annual Paramedic Systems of Wisconsin (PSOW) statewide conference.
The hundreds of thousands of patrons who enjoy Badgers football games at Camp Randall Stadium, hockey and basketball events at the Kohl Center, and volleyball and other events at the Fieldhouse each year have Nancy to thank for orchestrating the emergency medical care of fans at all home games.
To say “thank you” for all she’s done, our members recently threw a send-off for Nancy and offered her a ride to the festivities. She’s ridden in plenty of ambulances before, so Ladder Company 2 thought she might appreciate a joyride in the fire truck.
Congratulations on your retirement, Nancy, and thank you for all you have done! Your talent has touched countless lives throughout the city and state and has certainly made an impact on the Madison Fire Department.



Division Chief Ché Stedman, Captain Jen Román, and Dr. Michael Lohmeier contributed to this blog.
Photo and video courtesy of Beth Risler and Jodi Moyer.


This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fire and a link back to the original post.

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