Paramedic taking blood pressureMay 21-27, 2017 is National EMS Week! To help us celebrate, take a moment to learn about what we do, share this blog with your friends, and submit a question of your own!

After you’ve reported your emergency to Dane County 9-1-1 Public Safety Communications, you can expect that the nearest paramedics and EMTs have received a page dispatching them to your emergency. Help should arrive within minutes.

Our responders will be in uniform, making it easy to recognize them as members of the Madison Fire Department.

They will ask you a lot of questions—and may ask you the same question more than once. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. These questions help us understand the nature of your problem and how best to proceed with treatment.

EMTs and Paramedics will also start to treat your ailment right away, assist in lifting you, and will help you get to the ambulance.

If you take medications regularly, we advise you to keep a list of those medications, including dosage information, on your refrigerator so we can easily find it.

During transport, one paramedic will typically stay with you in the back of the ambulance while the other drives you to the hospital. It’s possible both paramedics will remain with you in the back of the ambulance as an EMT takes you to the hospital.

Oftentimes, patients want family to accompany them in the back of the ambulance. Whether or not they are able to will be determined by the paramedic in charge of the call.

Lights and sirens may or may not be used when taking you to the hospital. Rest assured that lights and sirens are always used on our way to get to you after the initial 911 call!

Paramedics may ask you to review and/or sign a few documents before departing, such as billing authorizations, consent to treatment and transport, and a patient privacy practices notification.

MFD ambulances carry more than just medical equipment… Check back tomorrow to learn how our paramedics are also prepared to respond to a fire!
Do you have a question about what we do? Email it to us at!

Pictured above: Paramedic and EMS Training Officer Raena Glauvitz

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fire and a link back to the original post.