For several years, the City of Madison Parks Division and the City's Neighborhood Resource Teams (NRTs) have partnered to provide Movies in the Park in an effort to offer free, fun opportunities to build community. These events strengthen relationships among residents and increase the perception of parks as safe and desirable places to gather. Sina Davis, a local resident from the Allied Drive neighborhood, worked passionately for years to build the Movies in the Park programming city-wide. Because of her advocacy and her important community engagement work, this popular program was named in her honor, just prior to her passing in July 2019.

In addition to the NRTs, new partnerships with the program continue and expand each year. This year, to promote WE READ, in-person storytime with Madison Public Library is offered at select movie locations. Held 30 minutes before the movie, stories are read in English, and in some locations in Spanish, for children and family to sit together and listen to stories and sing songs. Additional partners and programming at Movies in the Park, is anticipated this fall through the NRTs.

This summer there were more than 20 Movies in the Park, and they continue into early fall. To date, these events have brought out approximately 887 movie-goers. Visit Sina Davis Movies in the Park to see the remaining 2021 schedule. See you in a park!

Sina Davis Moves in the Park


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