Metro Transit is in the middle of a major planning process that will redesign its entire route structure, a change the system hasn’t seen in more than 20 years. This new design will be a large reallocation of service to make trips more frequent and direct, provide better access to jobs, and put a system in place that is simply easier to use.

There are some tradeoffs with this redesign. Service will be more focused on major streets and moved from routes that currently travel through less dense neighborhoods. As a result, some riders may see longer walks to stops.

A draft plan of this new service has been put together, and we are now asking for public input.

Since there is a tradeoff, public feedback is extremely important to make sure this new draft service design is right for the community. Opportunities to give your feedback in a public forum will be available via neighborhood with neighborhood meetings.

Both the draft plan and a public input survey are now available online at Printed versions are also available at Metro’s main office and all City of Madison library locations. Printed versions of the survey will be available soon at library locations and on Metro buses.

Draft plans and surveys can also be requested by calling Metro’s customer service center at (608) 266-4466 or emailing You can also simply give your feedback comments over the phone or ask a customer service representative to fill out a survey for you.

The City will be collecting feedback on the draft plan through April and presenting survey results to the City of Madison Transportation Policy and Planning Board in May. A final plan will be developed this summer. Once a final plan is in place, redesigned service is expected to roll out in the summer of 2023.

Stay up-to-date on this project by attending public meetings and signing up for email and text alerts. Complete information can be found here. This is a momentous opportunity to design a system that will better serve our community now and into the future. We need your feedback to do it right, so thank you in advance for engaging in this process.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Mayor's Office and a link back to the original post.

Category: Transit