The 2020 Census is here. As so much of our focus is appropriately on our community response to COVID-19, it remains critical that everyone who lives in Madison and Dane County completes the census and is counted. As we practice physical distancing, please take the opportunity to show social solidarity by completing the census, now, from the comfort and safety of your own home and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do the same. You can fill it out online at, by phone, or by mail. Filling out the census is an easy thing you can do right now to help everyone in our community.

Over $675 billion in federal funds are distributed every year to communities across the country based on the census. That means for every person not counted, we stand to lose over $2,000 locally per year for priorities like healthcare, affordable housing, childcare, transportation, education and more. These are resources that will prove vital in our long-term recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some populations within our community have been historically undercounted, but that does not have to be the case – even in light of the current public health emergency. Last month, I joined with leaders from throughout our community and together we pledged to promote the 2020 Census. Today, as we need to shift to electronic means of outreach, I ask all of you to join me in taking the following two actions to ensure that Madison Counts!

  1. Text or call at least five friends, family members, and colleagues and encourage them to complete the census and ask them, in turn, to share the same message with at least five more people within their networks. Especially reach out to people that might be less likely to participate.
  2. Post the following census message to social media and send it by email along with one or both of the “I Count” graphics included below. (The vertical version of the graphic is better for Facebook and Instagram. The horizontal version is better for Twitter.

The 2020 Census is here! As we practice physical distancing, take the opportunity to complete the census now from the comfort of your own home. You can fill it out online at, by phone, or by mail.

2020 Census Vertical 2020 Census Horizontal

Some notes when completing the census

  • When filling out the census, include everyone that lives in your household.
  • By law, all responses are confidential. There are no questions about citizenship or immigration status.
  • Madison residents who spend their winters elsewhere and college students should all complete the census using their Madison-area address.
  • There are 10 questions and it will probably take less than 10 minutes to complete the whole form.

Please help Madison and Dane County achieve a complete count by taking the census today and encouraging your friends, family, and colleagues to as well. It has never been easier to respond, whether online at, by phone, or by mail – all from the comfort and safety of your home and without having to meet a census taker.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Mayor's Office and a link back to the original post.