A majority of the Town of Madison will be attached to the City of Madison in October 2022, with the remainder going to the City of Fitchburg. With this attachment Madison will welcome over 5,000 residents. This is an unprecedented addition to our City as we do not typically annex or attach large urbanized areas with this many new residents. 

To prepare residents and neighbors the first virtual public information meeting for the attachment will take place on September 15, at 6:00pm and will be posted after the fact on our three Town of Madison attachment websites: English, Spanish, and Chinese. The Catholic Multicultural Center located at 1862 Beld St. will serve as an alternative in-person location, broadcasting the virtual meeting to non-English speakers, primarily for Spanish and Mandarin speakers or anyone not able to access the internet on their own. Our ultimate goal is to offer as much access as possible!  

During this public information meeting, the City will share the latest about the attachment process, resources for incoming residents and property owners to stay connected, and explain how the City is reaching non-English speaking populations through Community Navigators. There will also be City staff available to answer questions about the process from the following City of Madison agencies: Police Department, Fire Department, Community Development Division, Engineering Division, Streets Division, Building Inspection Division, Planning Division, Community Development Authority, and Mayor’s Office. Further we’ll be joined by representatives from the City of Fitchburg as well as the Town of Madison.

You’ll also get to meet Town of Madison Community Navigators who are helping us get the word out on a more face-to-face level, using a variety of methods to distribute awareness campaign materials and answer questions.

Special thanks to the Town of Madison Communications Team led by the Planning Division for all the coordination to make sure that everyone in the Town can have easy access to the most up-to-date information about this important transition. 

This will be the first of multiple public information meetings leading up to official attachment on October 31, 2022. Make sure to register for the event below.

If you have any questions or a language assistance request, please email townofmadisonattachment@cityofmadison.com or call the Town of Madison Attachment hotline and leave a voicemail at: 608-267-1188.


Learn more on the Town of Madison Attachment website: www.cityofmadison.com/townofmadison

View the map of properties impacted by the Town of Madison Attachment:


Zoom meeting registration: https://cityofmadison.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8slq4JCDQkGFUJkxhCmcpQ

Town of Madison Resources
For Spanish: https://www.cityofmadison.com/pueblodemadison

For Chinese: https://www.cityofmadison.com/townofmadison/chinese

Listen to the Town of Madison Podcast Episode 

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Mayor's Office and a link back to the original post.