COVID-19 has had a financial impact on many in our community.

COVID relief policies and programs are continually changing. To help Madison residents navigate new stimulus and relief information, the City of Madison and the Madison Public Library are providing a free Financial Resources Hotline.  Madison residents seeking help due to COVID-19, can contact the Hotline to be connected with a “Financial Navigator” – a person they can talk to about their financial concerns. If you have already called the hotline but have new concerns or questions, you are welcome to sign up for another session as available resources may have changed.


Ways a Financial Navigator may be able to help you include:

Utility Support: A utility disconnection is now possible in Wisconsin if a customer has not paid a bill in full and the utility and customer have not reached an agreement on a deferred payment plan. If you’re having trouble paying your utility bill, a Navigator with the Financial Resources Hotline can help you to identify your next steps and see if you qualify for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program, which has new guidelines due to COVID-19.  

Medical Coverage: The Affordable Care Act Insurance Marketplace has opened enrollment through August 15.  A Navigator can help connect you to local resources which will help ensure you are getting the most affordable coverage for your situation. 

Stimulus and Tax Filing: Wisconsinites have until May 17 to file both state and federal taxes this year. If you have questions about filing taxes, the Financial Resource Hotline can help you get answers. Your taxes may be affected if you’ve received unemployment benefits. If you were eligible to receive the Economic Impact (stimulus) payment and did not receive it, or received less than expected, you could be eligible for the Recovery Rebate Credit when you file your taxes.


How does the Financial Resources Hotline work?

Go to to fill out the interest form and sign up for a session.  Or, if you would like assistance signing up over the phone, call the Madison Public Library Reference Line at 608-266-6300 (new number). A Financial Navigator will call you back to provide guidance, over the phone, to address personal financial issues, identify immediate steps to manage expenses and maximize income, and make referrals to other services.

Organizations across Madison can also refer clients directly to the Financial Resources Hotline by sharing the link or helping them fill out the interest form.  You can also learn more about local resources on the City of Madison’s Community Resource Page or by calling United Way’s 2-1-1 information and referral line. 

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Mayor's Office and a link back to the original post.