To close out Disability Pride Month, this past weekend the City of Madison partnered with Disability Pride Madison, to put on The 10th Annual Disability Pride Festival. Disability Pride Madison is a disability-led local non-profit organization with a mission to help people with disabilities take pride in themselves and to show the able-bodied community what the disability community has to offer.

The free public event featured a variety of musical performances, dance, and recreational activities that highlight individuals living with a disability. Community-based organizations were also in attendance to share information about their services as well as a variety of family-friendly activities for children and youth with disabilities.

Furthermore, Madison hosted the City of Madison Disability Summit: Collective Visioning for a More Equitable Future last week. This virtual gathering served as a platform for developing a citywide agenda leading the work of the Department of Civil Rights – Division of Equity and Social Justice, Disability Rights and Services Program – ensuring that all City programs include the voices and needs of the disability community.

You can go here to learn more about what the City of Madison is doing for the community of people experiencing disabilities through our disability rights & services program.

Madisonians with disabilities taking pride in themselves

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