Last Thursday we celebrated staff all across the City at our first TeamCity Awards ceremony of 2021. At that event, I was also able to honor a number of employees who have served the City for 35 years or more. There are a remarkable number of people who have worked for the City for that long - we know the City is a great place to work, and this list of dedicated staff certainly shows that. Here are the folks that received recognition:

Richard Trapanese - Parks - 35 years                                  Jack Laylan - Metro - 35 years

Randy Koch - Fleet - 35 years                                              Jeffrey Williams - Parks - 35 years                       

Alexis Turner - Parking - 36 years                                        Juan Villarreal - Parking - 36 years

Lisa Veldran - Common Council - 36 years                          Git Wong - Library - 36 years

William Larimore - Monona Terrace - 36 years                    Timothy Schramm - Parking - 36 years

David Faust - Information Technology - 36 years                 Fonda Hodge - Police - 36 years

Brenda Sundbakken - Clerk - 36 years                                 Kari Klade - Clerk - 36 years

Susan Mauger - Clerk - 36 years                                          Thomas Campbell - Library - 37 years

Christopher Pesl - Library - 37 years                                    Frances Taylor - Metro - 37 years

Kathleen Ary - Metro - 37 years                                            David Lynch - Water - 37 years

Michael Edler - Library - 38 years                                         Douglas Peterson - Parking - 39 years

Scott Kerr - Traffic Engineering – 39 years                           Patricia Hario - Parks - 39 years

Jon Weaver - Water - 40 years                                             Lawrence Grab - Fire - 40 years

Robert Hansbro - Fire - 40 years                                          Mary Vaughan - Library - 40 years

Allan Kruser - Parking - 40 years                                          Daniel Valenza - Parking - 40 years

Michael Vanerem - Building Inspection - 40 years               Mary Raboin - Library - 41 years

Jeff Rogers - Metro - 41 years                                              Cheryl Wirth - Finance - 42 years

Margaret Navarre-Saaf - Library - 42 years                          Patti Zeman - Finance - 42 years

Barbara Rex - Library - 43 years                                          Barbara Segal - Library - 43 years

Richard Bach - Police - 45 years                                          Michael Mullarkey - Parks - 48 years

Diane Oppert - Library - 50 years

length of service pins

Thank you to all of these dedicated folks, especially Diane Oppert, with 50 years of service! This is the first time we have recognized our staff for their length of service and I am glad we have started what I hope to be a new tradition. You can watch the entire ceremony here. Enjoy!

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Mayor's Office and a link back to the original post.