Health & Wellness
Medicare Open Enrollment
Medicare is the primary health plan for most people age 65 and older. Whether you are new to Medicare, or have been on it for years, it can be overwhelming. The rules, the exemptions, the deadlines, and the list goes on. Add to that figuring out Parts A, B, C and D!
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Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Fall Prevention Awareness Month
September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month, which is an opportunity to assess your risk of falling and to take proactive steps to keep yourself safe.
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It's National Immunization Awareness Month!
Children aren't the only ones that need vaccines. Many adults, especially older adults, need to be immunized in order to protect themselves against certain illnesses and diseases.
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Stay Cool, Hydrated, Connected During Hot Stretch
Temperatures are predicted to climb this week with heat indices approaching 100°. The National Weather Service has not yet issued a Heat Advisory; however, it is still important to remember ways to stay safe in the heat.
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Elder Abuse Prevention
June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Elder abuse is one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society. Did you know 1 out of every 10 elder adults experience some kind of abuse in their lifetime? 9 out of every 10 elder abusers are close relatives.
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Medicare 101
Medicare is the primary health plan for most people age 65 and older. Whether you are new to Medicare, or have been on it for years, it can be overwhelming. The rules, the exemptions, the deadlines, and the list goes on. Add to that figuring out Parts A, B, C and D!
Category: Health & Wellness, Know Your Resources -
Immunizations Make a Positive Difference
In today’s world, there are endless pieces of health information available to us. You could spend hours researching what foods are good for brain health, what exercises are the most beneficial, or which vitamins you should be taking.
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Heat Safety
July and August in Wisconsin are notorious for having extreme temperatures and humidity. While this may be a plus for beach-goers and boaters, the heat can pose a huge threat to one’s health.
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Are you what you eat?
Everyone has heard the old idiom, “you are what you eat,” but just how literal is this saying? According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, nutrition is one of the most important aspects of one’s health and overall wellbeing.
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Multigenerational Homes Are On The Rise
We’re all familiar with the ever-changing direction of trends in America – from the hottest new celebrity to the introduction of the latest fad diet – but what if those trends hit a little closer to home.
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Sleep Awareness
Spring is officially here, and it made its debut on a beautiful, warm and sunny day. I hope that you were able to get out and move around or at least sit out on a balcony or porch and soak up some rays of sunshine on Sunday, the first day of spring.
Glaucoma Awareness Month
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, the health of which is vital for good vision. This damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye.
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National Senior Center Month - Open House
Today’s senior centers are delivering vital connections to help all older adults age well. Senior centers offer a vibrant, action-packed combination of in-person, virtual and hybrid programs. For example: Nutrition Sites, Virtual Book Clubs, Balance Classes, and Volunteer Opportunities.
NO FLU for You: Protect yourself. Protect others. Get a flu shot.
Category: Health & Wellness, Know Your Resources
Navigating the Holidays During COVID
We have arrived at the time of year that gathering with loved ones is most important, but this year, it’s also the most important time to observe social distancing measures.
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Furry Friends
Switch Out The Salt!
As we age, our metabolism slows down, senses weaken, and chronic health conditions are more apt to surface. While we can’t control our genes, we can control what we put in our bodies and good, healthy eating is the first step to aging gracefully.
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Skin Cancer Safety for Older Adults
While it’s true that much of the ultraviolet (UV) damage to the skin happens during childhood and adolescence, that doesn’t mean your skin should be unprotected in adulthood. Every new sunburn you experience — at any age — increases your risk of developing skin cancer.
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Summering with COVID-19
Sheltering at home when it is cool, rainy and not that great outside was kind of cozy. Whether you were still working or retired, you could hang out all day in your PJ’s or sweats, and not have to worry about who was going to drop by.
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Can’t Garden? What about a CSA?
Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is “a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm or group of farms.” What this means is CSA is a way for people to buy delicious local food directl
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Container Gardening- What, Why and How?
Looking to start a garden but have little to no gardening space? Then container gardening is for you! Container gardening is a process in which planting occurs in containers, rather than in the ground.
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Staying Active While Quarantining
Staying active, especially as you age, is crucial to your well-being- and there is no better time to start than while quarantined. Take this unusual circumstance as a chance to get back on track with staying active, creating a plan, and beginning to accomplish your goals.
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Staying Positive During a Crisis
These anxious, inexperienced times can bring an immense amount of unwanted stress and negativity into our lives. However, the most important thing to do in this situation is to remain positive.
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Our best defense is our collective action
Sharing this important information from Public Health of Madison and Dane County
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Preparing to Care
No one is ever prepared to become a caregiver for a loved one diagnosed with dementia. It is an unplanned experience and one that most people are unsure of how to prep for.
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How Seniors Are Affected by Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive disease, one that can affect any person who comes into contact with asbestos. However, some people are more at risk of developing the cancer than others.
Due to numerous characteristics of the disease, seniors are one such group of people.
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Gratitude seems to be somewhat of a buzz word these days. It appears on t-shirts, rustic home decorator boards, books, articles, etc. This is a good time of year to reflect on what it means to us individually.
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Preparing to Care
No one is ever prepared to become a caregiver for a loved one diagnosed with dementia. The financial and emotional strain, as well as the time commitment are significant and draining. A new educational series is designed to help you prepare and plan for the eventuality of this situation.
Category: Health & Wellness, Know Your Resources -
September 23rd is National Falls Prevention Day
National Falls Prevention Day, is a day set aside to educate others on how to prevent fall related injuries, the impact of falls, and to make the community aware of falls prevention programs in the community.
Wearable Tech for Increased Health
The summer months have finally rolled around and it is time to get outside and soak up that vitamin D! What better way to accomplish this than walking? Did you know, there is wearable technology that can tell you how many steps you’ve taken and encourage you along the way?
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The Longest Day
This past weekend we celebrated the Summer Solstice, which marked the longest hours of daylight for 2019. Often this day includes fun outdoor festivities such as a BBQ or a day on the lake, but the Summer Solstice means more than a brat washed down with a Spotted Cow.
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Top five reasons retired adults should volunteer
1. Helps bridge generation gap.
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Dementia Friendly Communities
What is a Dementia Friendly community? A dementia friendly community is a village, town, city or county that is informed, safe and respectful of individuals with the disease, their families and caregivers and provides supportive options that foster quality of life.
Category: Health & Wellness, Know Your Resources -
February is American Heart Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news? Heart disease can often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions.
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AMP - Aging Mastery Program
Welcome to your playbook for aging well!
As children, we’re taught how to be successful adults. By contrast, no one teaches us how to age well. As a result, most are unprepared for this new stage in life.
Positive Attitude Month
Positive Attitude Month is an annual designation observed in October. A positive attitude is the best trait you can carry with you, because it makes any difficult or frustrating situation a lot easier to deal with.
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Walk With Ease
The Arthritis Foundation’s program that is proven to reduce the pain of arthritis and improve your overall health
Category: Health & Wellness