Senior at disability resource fair, photo credit: City of Madison
What is ADRC?

The Aging & Disability Resource Center of Dane County (ADRC) provides information about resources and support on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. It is a one-stop shop for older adults, people with disabilities and their families. ADRC staff are unbiased and knowledgeable professionals who listen to your concerns, help clarify your options and direct you to appropriate resources. The ADRC is also the access point for information about long-term care options and applying for public benefits. Services provided by the ADRC are free and available to all Dane County residents regardless of your income or assets.

Contact ADRC:

Phone: 608-240-7400


ADRC Website

2865 N Sherman Ave

Northside Town Center

Madison, WI 53704

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Madison Senior Center and a link back to the original post.