Medicare is the primary health plan for most people age 65 and older. Whether you are new to Medicare, or have been on it for years, it can be overwhelming. The rules, the exemptions, the deadlines, and the list goes on. Add to that figuring out Parts A, B, C and D! Do not feel bad if you need assistance navigating through it all.

Open Enrollment occurs October 15 – December 7, and that is your only opportunity to make changes for the upcoming coverage year, in this case, 2024. It is important to know your options, and seek our help if you need it. gives a comprehensive overview that should answer many of your questions.


Assistance is also available through the following resources:

  • 1-800-MEDICARE or
  • Medigap Helpline 1-800-242-1060
  • Disability Rights Wisconsin Medicare Part D Helpline 1-800-926-4862 (if under age 60)
  • Wisconsin Medigap Prescription Drug Helpline 1-855-677-2783


At the Madison Senior Center we are offering a Medicare 101 class on Friday, November 10, 10:00 – 11:00 am. The information presented will focus on eligibility, coverage, enrollment periods and when to consider a supplemental insurance policy. If you decide that you need one, shop around. You have many options to choose.

NewBridge case managers will be at the Madison Senior Center to answer Medicare questions on November 6 and November 27. Call NewBridge at 608-512-0000 to schedule an appointment.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Madison Senior Center and a link back to the original post.