Staying Connected Amidst COVID-19
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, new information is being posted everyday. As we all know, the CDC has recommended that all people over the age of 60 stay home due to the high risks of
contracting the virus. Although this is a necessary precaution for everyone's health, it is easy to feel isolated and lonely. In this blog post I will discuss some ways to counteract these feelings and offer tips for staying connected amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.
Many companies have begun to offer virtual services of their business during this time. If you have access to the internet you are able to watch live concerts online, join online discussion groups, participate in online book clubs, play games, and much more. There are many ways that companies are working around this roadblock and allowing you to feel just as connected with others as you would have otherwise. My personal favorite free apps to play with others are TriviaCrack, Words with Friends, and Wordscapes. The first two allow you to play against your friends or strangers and can become very addicting, while Wordscapes is an individual game.
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Now is the time to utilize video streaming software such as Zoom, Facetime, Skype and Google Hangouts. There are many ways to video chat with friends or family that are simple and easy to understand. Try scheduling a virtual visit or dinner with some of your loved ones!
Although most of the ideas mentioned in this post require some form of technology, there are definitely ways to stay connected without it. Writing letters to loved ones can be one of the most therapeutic and exciting pastimes. Nothing is better than getting a letter in the mail! One website that I stumbled upon is Letters Against Depression . If you like to volunteer, you are able to hand write letters of hope to those struggling with depression. Perhaps take this time to do something good for a stranger, while connecting with them at the same time.
It is no question that this is a tough time for everyone. However, there are many ways to stay busy and connected while also staying safe in quarantine. Try out some of these virtual ideas and have fun!