by Rachel Darken, Administrative Assistant

Madison's Chevrolet Bolt

On August 15, 2019, Fleet's Superintendent Mahanth Joishy was featured in the monthly Sustainable Strategies webinar. The Sustainable Strategies Webinar Series is a free monthly webinar produced for municipal professionals. In his presentation, Greening the City of Madison's Fleet, Mahanth shared the many strategies we are implementing to reduce our impact on the environment, including:

  • Buying electric vehicles wherever possible
  • Fueling diesel equipment with biodiesel blends
  • Buying new hybrid police vehicles to reduce unnecessary emissions caused by idling
  • Phasing in new hybrid work trucks
  • Buying ambulances and other vehicles with anti-idling technology already installed, and adding anti-idling technology to equipment already in service
  • Using GPS tracking to improve routing and reduce speeding, idling, hard braking, and hard accelerations

Learn more about how Madison is leading the way for other fleets to tackle greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector by watching the webinar yourself!

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fleet Service and a link back to the original post.

Category: Sustainability