When you pass a garbage truck, do you think of farmers? You should! Pam Jahnke of the Mid-West Farm Report (you might know her as the Fabulous Farm Babe) recently interviewed Mahanth Joishy, Fleet Superintendent, and Rachel Darken, Administrative Assistant, about our biodiesel program to fuel the City fleet. Biodiesel is typically processed from soybean plants, waste cooking oil, and agricultural waste. The biodiesel we fuel our equipment with is sourced at the REG processing plant in DeForest, which means Wisconsin farmers are supplying much of the feedstock that goes into our fuel!

Fleet Staff with Pam Jahnke
Fleet staff took a quick picture with Pam after she toured our new headquarters building.
L to R: Mahanth Joishy, Tyson Roessler, Pam Jahnke, and Rachel Darken

We're working on expanding our biodiesel program and exploring a new partnership with the National Biodiesel Board, REG, Optimus Technologies, and the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board that would allow us to run B100 (pure biodiesel) in twenty heavy-duty pieces of equipment - year-round! Listen to the conversation with Pam to learn more about our plans.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fleet Service and a link back to the original post.