by David Coy, Fleet Data Analyst

Wisconsin DWD Youth Apprenticeship LogoFleet Service is pleased to announce our collaboration with the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) to hire our first-ever Fleet Data Analysis Youth Apprentice. The young man or young lady will soon be selected from the ranks of MMSD high schools.

Fleet Service has already created a successful curriculum for the Youth Apprentice (YA) Automotive Pathway on our shop floors, with full-time Fleet Technicians serving as mentors for these students. So far, we’ve had 7 YAs at Fleet since 2018. One of those YA graduates is Nathaniel Imrie, who is attending MATC, is now working for Fleet Service as a higher-level Automotive Apprentice and has gone on to win the Firestone Challenge. Due to the success of our current program, we are adding an IT Pathway within our program with the Data Analysis YA to help us keep up with our growing needs in the field of data analysis to help us run a fleet of 1,400 rolling cars and trucks. 

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Data analysis is more important than ever in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. The new Data Analysis YA will be assisting me with several duties that will help them learn about creating, maintaining, and querying databases, analyzing reports, and troubleshooting system-specific issues. This is a great opportunity to give a high school student real, valuable, hands-on experience related to fleet maintenance, fuel systems, GPS and telematics guaranteed to help them once they join the workforce. Additionally, the knowledge they gain throughout the program will put them one step closer to a career in IT, Statistics, or Data Analysis.

If you know of any MMSD high school student who may be a good fit for this role, you or they may contact your school counselor, Youth Apprenticeship Local Coordinator, Regional Coordinator, or me. We will provide resources on the different opportunities that the program offers and how to navigate this competitive process. You can also visit the Youth Apprentice website to research the many outstanding available programs.

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison - Fleet Service and a link back to the original post.

Category: Education, Our Team