Campaign Finance Reports

Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes

Candidates are required to file periodic campaign finance reports on the dates listed below. Candidates for local office whose names do not appear on the primary ballot are not required to file a pre-primary report.

When filing a campaign finance report, use the (ETHCF-2L) if there were any transactions during the reporting period. The postcard report (ETHCF-2NA) may be used only if you did not receive contributions, make disbursements, or incur obligations during the reporting period. Please note that the Ethics ID Number referenced on these forms does not apply to local candidates.

Report Reporting Period Filing Deadline
January Continuing July 1 – December 31, 2022 January 17, 2023
Spring Pre-Primary January 1 - February 6, 2023 February 13, 2023
Spring Pre-Election (if primary is held) February 7 -March 20, 2023 March 27, 2023
Spring Pre-Election (if no primary is held) January 1 - March 20, 2023 March 27, 2023
July Continuing March 21 - June 30, 2023, or January 1 - June 30, 2023 July 17, 2023
January Continuing July 1 – December 31, 2023 January 16, 2024

Eligibility for Exemption

Candidates who meet the following criteria are exempt from filing a finance report:

  • Candidate anticipates not accepting contributions, making disbursements, or incurring loans and other obligations in an aggregate amount exceeding $2,500 in a calendar year.
  • Candidate or treasurer signs and dates request for exemption on campaign registration statement.

Financial Records Kept During Exemption

  • When candidates are exempt, they are not required to file any campaign finance reports. However, the candidate or treasurer is required to keep an adequate record of all contributions and all expenditures.
  • Maintaining these records is especially important in the event of unexpected large contributions or expenses exceeding $2,500. The information is then readily available for the candidate to immediately amend their campaign registration statement.
  • A candidate who is exempt from filing campaign finance reports may use a personal account as the campaign depository. A separate campaign depository account is not required, but the candidate must provide the account number for whichever account will be used.

Revoking Exemption

  • If a decision is made to exceed the $2,500 limit on contributions and disbursements, the candidate must amend their campaign registration statement immediately.
  • The candidate/committee is required to file a campaign finance report beginning with the next regular report. The first report must cover all financial activity from the time of registration or from the date of the last financial report before going on exemption.

In-Kind Contributions

An in-kind contribution would be any goods, service or property offered to the campaign committee free or at less than the usual cost. For example, if a campaign worker purchases stamps that are used for a mailing and is not reimbursed for the cost of stamps, the value of the stamps is an in-kind contribution to the campaign committee from the campaign worker.

When an individual is paid to work on behalf of a candidate by a political committee or some other individual, the payment for those services is an in-kind contribution to the campaign committee. Consultant services are often provided to a campaign committee in this manner.

If a political committee or individual offers to provide food and beverages for a fundraiser at less than ordinary market price, the difference between the ordinary market price and the cost to the campaign is an in-kind contribution from the political committee or individual.

Prohibited Contributions

Certain contributions are prohibited by Wisconsin law:

  • Anonymous contributions of more than $10
  • Contributions in cash of more than $100
  • Contributions given in the name of someone other than the contributor (laundered)
  • Contributions from cooperatives or corporations
  • Contributions in excess of limits set by law

Pre-Election Spending for Incumbents

Wisconsin Statute 11.33
To the greatest extent possible, any communications using public funds shall be avoided during an election period. These include newsletters, flyers, etc., that use municipal funds in any way, such as postage or copying costs. The election period runs from December 1, the first day to circulate nomination papers, until the day of the election.

Continuing Reports

Wisconsin Statute 11.20
Some candidates and committees choose not to terminate their registered status after an election, even if they’re eligible to do so. There is no limit on how long a candidate or committee remains registered. Every registered candidate or committee must file continuing reports until a termination report is filed with the City Clerk’s Office. The January continuing campaign finance report covers activity from July 1 through December 31. The July continuing campaign finance report covers activity from January 1 through June 30.

Failure to File Reports

State Statute 11.20(13) reads, “In the event of failure of a candidate or treasurer to file a report or statement required by this chapter by the time prescribed by law, action may be commenced against the candidate, the campaign treasurer, or the candidate’s personal campaign committee, if any, or any combination of them.”

The Dane County District Attorney may impose fines on local candidates who stop filing continuing reports without terminating their registration.


  • Every contribution must be itemized (date, amount, name, and address), even donations of $20 or less. Anonymous donations of up to $10 per donor may be accepted.
  • Every disbursement exceeding $20 must be itemized.
  • An occupation must be provided for any individual donor of over $200.

Committee Registration

  • All Political Action Committees, Independent Expenditure Committees, conduits, and political parties register with the state, even if they are only active at the municipal level.
  • A referendum committee does not have to register until it collects or spends over $10,000 in a calendar year.
  • A recall committee must register before circulating recall petitions.
  • A committee may claim exempt status if it does not collect or spend more than $2,000 in a calendar year.
  • An elected official may form a second committee to pursue another office.

Contribution Limits

There is no limit on the amount of money local candidates may contribute to their own campaign from personal funds or funds held jointly with their spouse. There is no limit on the amount of money a local candidate can spend in seeking an elective office.

Contribution limitations apply cumulatively to the entire primary and election campaign in which the candidate participates, regardless of whether there is a contested primary election.

Campaign Finance Contribution Limits

Per campaign (2 to 4 years, depending on office)

Office District Population (2020 Census) Individual or Candidate Committee Limit Political Action Committee Limit
MMSD School Board 262,019 $5,240 $5,240
Ald. District 1 13,021 $500 $400
Ald. District 2 14,253 $500 $400
Ald. District 3 14,362 $500 $400
Ald. District 4 13,401 $500 $400
Ald. District 5 13,819 $500 $400
Ald. District 6 13,604 $500 $400
Ald. District 7 13,975 $500 $400
Ald. District 8 13,951 $500 $400
Ald. District 9 13,226 $500 $400
Ald. District 10 13,657 $500 $400
Ald. District 11 13,554 $500 $400
Ald. District 12 13,647 $500 $400
Ald. District 13 12,510 $500 $400
Ald. District 14 10,321 $500 $400
Ald. District 15 13,853 $500 $400
Ald. District 16 13,863 $500 $400
Ald. District 17 14,257 $500 $400
Ald. District 18 14,282 $500 $400
Ald. District 19 13,344 $500 $400
Ald. District 20 13,028 $500 $400
Municipal Judge 269,942 $5,399 $5,399
Mayor 269,942 $5,399 $5,399

Termination of Registration and Reporting Requirements

Wisconsin Statute 11.19
Candidates or personal campaign committees may terminate their registered status at any time after the election by meeting each of the following conditions:

  • Registrant disbands or determines that obligations will no longer be incurred
  • Contributions will no longer be received nor disbursements made during a calendar year
  • Registrant has no outstanding incurred obligations.

The termination report filed with the City Clerk’s Office indicates a cash balance zero and discloses the disposition of residual funds. If funds remain after all debts are paid, they may be disposed of using one or a combination of the following options:

  • Any political purpose not prohibited by law
  • Returned to donors in an amount not exceeding their original contribution
  • Donated to a charitable organization or the common school fund

If a committee meets all requirements, termination may be accomplished through a termination request.