By: Engineering Division Conservation Crew

Our plant of the week is the gorgeous pale purple coneflower, scientifically known as Echinacea pallida. You may recognize the word “Echinacea” from your local wellness store as it is included in many herbal teas and supplements. The Latin root of the word “echinos” means hedgehog or sea urchin... need we elaborate? The lavender to pale pink flowers possess rays that droop from a large, spiny cone-shaped center. The iconic form may look familiar if you’ve strolled through any prairie restorations.

This cutie does well in sunny garden settings, especially when supported by native grasses. It can be easily spread by seeds or by root divisions.

This particular individual was discovered at the Broad Creek Boulevard greenway on the far east side. We were pleased, but not surprised, to see this pale purple coneflower surrounded by many friends. This site has undergone some prescribed burns in the last few years which, paired with invasive species control, has allowed a great variety of native species to proliferate.

Each week during the growing season, the Engineering Division focuses in on a Plant of the Week to raise awareness of different plants in the field that benefit our environment. The Engineering crews in the field tasked with conservation share expert insight on these plants and their benefits each week in a creative way!

Echinacea Pallida

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