
Establish racial equity and social justice as core principles in all decisions, policies and functions of the City of Madison


  • Living wage jobs, safe neighborhoods, high-quality education, a healthy, sustainable natural environment, efficient public transit, parks and green spaces, affordable and safe housing and healthy food are afforded to all;
  • The benefits of growth and change are equitably shared across our communities;
  • All people have opportunities for fair and just inclusion in public processes and decisions; and
  • One’s future is not limited by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, income, place of birth, place of residence or other group status.


Action Teams: There are four action teams consisting of City employees who help operationalize RESI in addition to their regular workload. 

  • Training and Learning
  • Communication
  • Community Connections
  • BIPOC Care Team

CORE Team: The Core Team’s mission is to support the City of Madison’s Racial Equity and Social Justice Initiative (RESJI) by facilitating communication between all RESJI team members and partners and providing continuous learning opportunities.

RESJI One Pager

Contact us for more information.