Read the full Stormwater Fee Adjustment.
Stormwater Utility Credit Application Form
Stormwater Utility Rate Adjustment Form (Rain Garden)

There are many adjustments available to Stormwater Utility Customers these include:

  1. Adjustments for actions that reduce contributions to the Conveyance (flow) load to the public system – actions could include, rain gardens, green roofs, porous pavements, rain water collection and reuse….
  2. Adjustments for actions that reduce contributions to the pollution load to the public system – actions could include, rain gardens, green roofs, bio-retention basins, porous pavement….
  3. Adjustments for direct drainage of the site to waters of the state (Lake Wingra, Monona, Mendota,….)
  4. Adjustments for wetlands on your property
  5. Adjustments for agricultural property being actively farmed
  6. Adjustments for conservation lands (over an acre in size). Conservation lands are most often prairie lands or forested lands.
  7. Adjustments for street terrace rain gardens in front of your property
  8. Adjustments for rural properties that do not discharge to the City of Madison Stormwater system

If you think that you qualify for any of the SWU billing adjustments noted above more detailed information is available on the PDF attached, or please send information to the following email describing your property and what adjustment you believe you are eligible for.

Commercial Chart 
Residential Chart