Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Engineering Division will be hosting a final public information meeting about changes to the City’s stormwater ordinance at 3 p.m., April 23, 2020, virtually.

During the April 23 meeting, City Engineering staff will share final proposed language for the City’s stormwater ordinance based on feedback thus far in the public input process.  The previous in-person March 24 meeting was canceled because of COVID-19 social distancing restrictions. The Feb. 26 and March 5 meetings were held as scheduled.

Virtual Meeting Format
The April 23 meeting will be held virtually online via Zoom. It will include a presentation and question and answer portion for attendees.

Step 1: Register for the Meeting
To take part and register, sign up through the Chapter 37 City Engineering Storm Ordinance page or by registering here. Please register by noon, April 22, 2020. Once registered, attendees will receive a link to access the meeting.  If you have questions about registering, email

Step 2: Download Zoom
Attendees will need to have Zoom downloaded on their phone or computer to attend the meeting. Attendees can download a free version of Zoom. Please do not wait to download a few minutes below the meeting to allow for troubleshooting time should you have technical issues.

Step 3: Get link, Attend Meeting
Registered attendees will be sent a Zoom link in a separate email after noon, April 22, 2020. Once attendees receive the emailed link, click the link when the meeting is scheduled to begin to attend. During the meeting, attendees will be able to listen into the meeting. Attendees will be muted, however, attendees will be able to provide comments, ask questions and virtually raise hands. Questions will be answered during the Q and A portion of the presentation at the end.
Post meeting
City Engineering will post the recorded Zoom presentation on the on the Stormwater Ordinance webpage after the meeting.

Background: Need for the Update
The City is updating the Madison General Ordinance Chapter 37 Stormwater Ordinance because of extreme storm events in Madison during the last several years, research on climate change and rainfall patterns for southcentral Wisconsin. The amount of rainwater from extreme storms causes flash flooding and elevated lake levels, which puts pressure on the City’s stormwater pipe system. When the stormwater system is overloaded with too much storm or rainwater, either in heavy rainstorms or multiple heavy rainstorms in a short amount of time, flooding occurs. Madison General Ordinance Chapter 37 includes requirements for water quality, water quantity and erosion control design standards for anyone who wants to build in the City of Madison.

After the Public Information Meeting the schedule for approval will follow:

  1. Final public information meeting: 3 p.m., April 23, 2020
  2. Comment period closes: noon, April 27, 2020
  3. Introduce to the Common Council: May 5, 2020
  4. Refer to the Planning Commission: May 18, 2020
  5. Refer to the Board of Public Works: May 20, 2020
  6. Move updated ordinance to Common Council for approval: June 2, 2020

Email comments to until April 27, 2020.

