Once a position is authorized to be filled, the assigned HR Business Analyst will work with the Hiring Manager to develop a recruitment strategy in accordance with City of Madison Personnel Rules.  The recruitment strategy may include:

  • Overall timeline for the process
  • Posting date and how/where it is advertised
  • Length of time the posting will be open for applications;
  • date and type of civil service examination
  • date for referral of qualified candidates;
  • interview format; and
  • tentative date and schedule of final interviews.

The HR Business Analyst will prepare the job posting in NEOGOV and draft any additional advertisements as needed, which will be reviewed by the hiring manager for approval.  Final published job postings are sent to all City agencies, and open and competitive postings are sent to external sources on the Affirmative Action email list.

The HR Business Analyst will work the Hiring Manager to determine additional appropriate locations for advertising, and post the ad accordingly.  However, if certain advertisements are posted on industry-specific websites, the HR Business Analyst may request the Hiring Agency post the announcement in order to take advantage of membership discounts.  Advertisements placed in professional journals, associations or fee based websites are paid for by the Hiring Agency.

Hiring managers can support recruitment by promoting the opportunity within their personal and professional networks, and encouraging others in their agency to do the same. Hiring managers can also begin working ahead to prepare for their interviews, reaching out to potential interview panelists and preparing the questions.