Event Header Image features the State of Wisconsin Capitol building dome and Lady Forward. In front of this is a flagpole with the flag of the United States, the State of Wisconsin flag, and the LGBTQ+ Flag waving in the wind. All but the LGBTQ+ flag is in black and white.

Gender-Inclusive Workplace

The purpose of the Inclusive Workplace APM (2-52) is to address the needs of transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary employees, and to protect the legal rights and safety of all employees.

In all cases, the City’s goal is to:

  • Ensure the safety and comfort of transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary employees.
  • Maintain a safe and affirming process for employees who want to transition in the workplace.
  • Prevent stigmatization of employees.
  • Create a safe and productive workplace environment for all employees.

As a City employee, it's important for you to become familiar with these goals, the APM, Resource Guide, and Language Style Guide (found under Resources below) to help foster and promote an inclusive work environment for all. 
If you are a supervisor, you have a particular responsibility to ensure your team's work environment is inclusive for existing, new, and future employees. 

Recent Updates:


These tools and resources help support transgender employees in the workplace. Please note, not every situation that might occur is outlined - the needs of each employee should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

Learn With Us - Available Courses: 

In 2022, LGBTQ+ Parts 1 & 2 courses were introduced to the City's workforce. In 2023, Supervisors Building a Gender-Inclusive Workplace and Gender-Inclusive Language were successfully piloted and additional sessions were scheduled. Use the hyperlinked course titles above to learn more and register for upcoming offerings.

Bi-Monthly All-Staff Communications Archive:

The Gender-Inclusive Workplace Implementation Team sends out bi-monthly communications which provides updates to all employees on what's currently happening, what you should know, and includes calls to action. You can find PDF versions of each communication below: 

Who to Contact: 

If you have questions, concerns, or need help supporting the folks you supervise, please don't hesitate to reach out to our confidential inbox: InclusiveWorkplace@cityofmadison.com