The Engineering Division Public Engagement Program includes a number of steps and options for project managers to connect and inform the community about an upcoming Engineering Division-led project.

Public Involvement Plan

Find documents and an easy checklist you can tailor to your project needs to make sure you don't miss any public involvement opportunities.

Types of Meetings

When you get to the part of the engagement process that includes meetings, this page will help you understand what meetings Engineering typically hosts, in what format and for what reason.

Virtual Meeting Set Up

If you're planning a public information meeting on a virtual platform, this process takes you from planning to hosting. 

Website Requests

Part of the public engagement process includes creating a project web page to keep the community informed. This page has forms and process to create a new project page on the Engineering Division Project page website.

2024 Meeting Schedule, Prohibited Meeting Dates, Council Deadlines

Make sure to check this meeting schedule, list of prohibited public meeting dates and Common Council deadlines to note.