The Affirmative Action Student Professionals In Residence (AASPIRE) internship offers underrepresented groups on-the-job experience with the City of Madison. This internship is specifically available to current college students from an accredited university or a two year technical college program. Students who have recently graduated within the past two years are also eligible to apply.

This paid summer internship lasts for 8-10 weeks. Interns work on a limited-term, management-level project. City managers provide guidance, mentoring, and a deeper understanding of public service. Interns are eligible for positions limited to City employees for up to 6 months after completing the internship.

For Engineering Division AASPIRE Interns, the following interns have completed programs in our division:

  • Transportation Design
  • PIO
  • Stormwater

AASPIRE Annual Timeline

To Do Before Intern Starts

  • Paperwork
  • Request to IT: Laptop
  • Request to IT: Email set up
  • Request to IT: Login set up
  • Send Information Email of Schedule, Expectations, etc. 
  • Send "Excited to Start Next Week Email
  • Set up virtual/in person meetings in calendar
  • Set up AASPIRE Meeting Dates in calendar
  • Send introduction email of AASPIRE Intern to ENG Staff
  • Set up demonstration days to show our processes, that relate to internship