Villager Mall: Temporary Telework Option

As many City staff continue to telework throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Information Technology (IT) has collaborated with other agencies to make the Villager Mall computer lab available to City staff for temporary telework use. This space will be available until City staff are asked to return to the office.

Villager Mall


Villager Mall
2300 S Park St LL102

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

When can I use this space?

City staff may use this space on a temporary basis for telework. For example, if you lose internet access at home, you may reserve a spot at Villager Mall to telework temporarily.

Appropriate Uses
  • Loss of internet for a short time span.

  • Troubleshooting issues with the Help Desk that requires a City network connection.

  • Printing and scanning needs.

  • Mental health day. Staff that wish to work in an office outside of their home may use this space on a limited basis.

Inappropriate Uses
  • In compliance with Public Health Madison & Dane County recommendations, do not use this space as a conference room.

  • This space cannot serve as an alternate office space. Please use this space on a limited basis only, to allow availability for other City staff in need.

COVID-19 Protocol
  • Only use the designated spaces that have a chair, please do not move furniture (including the chairs). The room is setup with COVID-19 protocols in mind, including:

    • Total Capacity: 8

    • Number of people with provided computer space: 6

    • Number of people with direct City network access for laptops and accessories: 2

  • Keep a 6 feet physical distance from others around you.

  • A mask must be worn at all times.

  • Please follow your department’s COVID-19 Self-Screening policy prior to using this space.

  • Use hand sanitizer and handwashing protocols.

  • Wipe down the space you use before and after each use.

  • Take out what you bring in.

  • Do not spray directly on equipment. Please spray cleaner onto a towel and then wipe down electronic equipment.

  • See Something, Say Something. If you see that supplies (cleaning supplies, printer paper, etc.) are getting low, please email

Being Mindful of Coworkers
  • The desktop computers at Villager Mall do not have cameras and microphones and do not allow for virtual meetings. You are able to view meetings and use the chat functions, but will be unable to use audio and video.

  • If you are using one of the two spaces to connect your City-owned device to the City network to attend virtual meetings, please be mindful of others in this space. Please check with your coworkers in the space prior to taking calls and attending meetings. We recommend using a headset or headphones when attending calls and meetings to minimize noise in the space.

How do I access this space?

  1. Email to schedule a date and time to use this space. This space is for intermittent purposes only, so please do not monopolize the space to allow for availability for other City staff in need.

  2. The Help Desk will put you on the schedule and give your City keycard permissions to enter this space. If you do not have a keycard, please call the Help Desk (608-266-4193) upon arrival to let you into the space. The Help Desk will unlock the door remotely for you.

  3. The room number is LL102, it’s on the lower level. There are stairs straight ahead, as you enter the building or an elevator off to the left when you walk in. The room is at the end of the long hallway on the left-hand side.

IT Support

Please contact the Help Desk immediately if any equipment is not working. The Help Desk will troubleshoot remotely.

Contact the Help Desk
