Last updated: August 15, 2022

Do you have a COVID-related question that may be beneficial to add to this list? Please send it to

This document is intended to:

  • Develop/document responses to COVID-related FAQs and communicate this info to City employees
  • Be monitored on a regular basis.  Topics will be removed if they are no longer relevant.


Return to Office

Is there a checklist I can use to help my department return to the office?
Yes there is a checklist for department/division heads who do not have staff - or who only have a few staff - in the office currently. (5/18/21)

Will the City continue to provide in-person service?

Yes. The City supports the use of telework plans and flexible scheduling where appropriate. Additionally, the City supports decisions being made at the department level to maintain city services and support employee and community wellbeing. However, we are encouraging employees to utilize our recently updated telework policy and encouraging supervisors to give extended allowances to employees who have children under the age of 5 who cannot be vaccinated and to employees who are immunocompromised or have close family members who are immunocompromised. (12/28/2021)

What guides us in providing in-person service?

Our Service Promise is our commitment to the public and to each other about how we best meet our mission, vision, and values on a daily basis. With COVID-19, many agencies have had to adjust their actions while still meeting the high service levels our agencies are known for. As teams return to and/or expand in-person service, the following resources provide support to all employees. (8/20/21)

What actions can I take to be prepared for in-person service?
Review, Repost, and Recommit to the City of Madison Service Promise
Review Customer Service Conversations

With Panelists: Bonnie Koenig, Environmental Health Supervisor, Environmental Health Office, PHMDC; Krissy Wick, Director of Public Services, Madison Public Libraries; Terrence Thompson, Warner Park Community Recreation Center Manager, Madison Parks; Michelle Drea, City Assessor

Review Resources on Customer Service in a Time of COVID-19


Who should I reach out about facilities-related questions regarding the building I work in?
The following points of contact have been given a list of frequently asked questions about facilities and can support answering your questions. If your agency is in need of hand sanitizer, face masks, or other cleaning supplies, these contacts can assist in get these supplies.

Please email the contact or call the number listed below.
CCB Bryan Cooper
Engineering Stephen King
Monona Terrace Sara Carrizal
Library Mark Benno
Parking Utility David Wills
Traffic Engineering Yang Tao
Police Adela Rivera
Fire Department Scott Bavery
Fleet Mahanth Joishy
Metro Metro Employee Information Line  608-640-0451
MMB Stephen King
Parks Lisa Laschinger
Senior Center Karen Cator
Water Utility Joe Grande

Vaccination and Face Coverings

Where can I find information related to getting vaccinated?
PHMDC’s Vaccine web page provides information on locations that offer vaccine appointments and what to expect when getting vaccinated. From the CDC's FAQs on COVID-19 Vaccination for Children and Teens, everyone 6 months and older is eligible to get the vaccine. (9/29/22)

Can City employees use accrued leave time to get COVID-19 vaccines or booster shots?
Yes, if you have sick time, floating holiday, vacation or compensatory time available.  Please make sure you follow any approval processes you would normally follow to schedule this time away. Additionally, during weeks when employees get vaccinated or have booster shot appointments, supervisors will schedule them to be off from work (with pay) for 30 minutes. Depending upon operational needs, the 30 minutes employees are scheduled off from work may need to be scheduled the following week of their actual booster appointment. Additionally, EPL may be used. Some cases may require more discretion at the department level. (6/17/22)

Is the City requiring employees to be vaccinated?
The City requires new employees and current employees with each booster shot to provide proof of vaccination, however testing protocols are currently suspended. While vaccination is a personal choice, we encourage all employees who are eligible to be vaccinated and boosted. (9/29/22)

Can the City ask employees about vaccination status?
Yes. The City may occasionally anonymously survey employees regarding vaccination status to guide City safety protocols. The City may ask individual employees about their vaccination status when it is necessary for a specific job function. (5/18/21)

Will I be required to be routinely tested for COVID-19?
Testing protocols are currently suspended. (6/17/22)

Can I ask my colleagues about their vaccination status? Can I remove my mask if we've both been fully vaccinated?
Generally, it is not necessary to ask about your colleagues’ vaccination status, but there are situations that may require communication between colleagues. (6/17/22)

In these situations, it is best to approach the conversation by disclosing your own vaccination status and asking if your colleague is comfortable. For example:

"I am fully vaccinated and boosted. Are you comfortable if I remove my mask while we're in the office together?"

Colleagues may or may not be comfortable removing their mask, regardless of vaccination status, and they are not required to disclose their vaccination status to you. 

For more information, see Fully Vaccinated & Masks: What Are the Rules? (May 4, Public Health Madison & Dane County) (8/20/21)

Can I ask customers about vaccination status?
No, we should not be asking customers about their vaccination status. (5/18/21)

Are customers required to wear a face covering?
Masks are welcome; not required. (6/17/22)

Do employees need to screen for COVID-19 symptoms once they are vaccinated?
Yes. Employees are no longer required to screen for COVID-19 symptoms when arriving at work, but should self-screen at home and not come to work if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. (6/14/21)

Can two or more employees ride together for work functions?
Yes. (6/17/22)



How much vacation can be carried over into 2022?
Due to travel restrictions related to COVID-19 and numerous subsequent canceled/postponed vacation plans, we are increasing the automatic vacation carryover policy which normally only allows two weeks of unused vacation to carry over from year to year. This increase will allow for 4 weeks (20 days) of unused vacation to automatically be carried over from 2021 into 2022. This does not apply to floating holiday time, which still must be used in the calendar year in which it is earned. (5/18/21)

How do I donate vacation to my coworkers?
Employees continue to be eligible to donate unused earned vacation time to coworkers who are in need. This policy is located here, and the forms used to donate leave are on the last page of the policy. (5/18/21)

Does the City have any restrictions, or quarantine requirements, related to employees’ personal travel?
See Travel Policy

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and AWOP

Family Medical Leave and additional leave without pay (AWOP) can be applied for using the FMLA application or the Leave Without Pay Application. Please keep in mind that absences may have an impact on benefit continuation or proration. (5/18/21)



To review general information about teleworking, see Telework Resources.

  • City staff may request to work from home as a reasonable accommodation during pregnancy through the City of Madison workplace accommodation policy, depending on the position and associated job duties. This may include an accommodation to work from home during pregnancy related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

    • While the policy refers to permanent disabilities, the City is required under the American for Disabilities Act to provide pregnancy related accommodations. Additionally, as part of the evaluation, someone may be determined not to have a disability, but the City may be able to provide a workplace accommodation. During the accommodation process an assessment of job duties will take place and you will need to provide medical verification that you have a disability or that you need an accommodation due to your condition. Part of this assessment will look at if your job tasks can be reasonably done at home. Be prepared to describe your work tasks to the Occupational Accommodation Coordinator along with the reason for your accommodation. The Occupational Accommodation Coordinator will only reach out to your supervisor to mediate your request with your permission and will do so without disclosing your specific condition. You are welcome to bring an Association representative to your meeting with the Occupational Accommodation Coordinator.

  • You can submit the accommodation request form to your immediate supervisor, Department/Division Head, or directly to Tory Larson, Occupational Accommodations Specialist. Tory can be reached at or (608) 267-1156.

    • The City’s Occupational Accommodations Specialist can work with you directly, and help mediate and evaluate your request, in lieu of having to go through this process with your direct supervisor or Department/Division Head.