The resources listed on this page are committed to assisting homeowners to maintain and make needed repairs on their homes. They offer extensive local expertise of the various programs and resources available.

Single-family Home Rehabilitation Programs

Project Home operates rehabilitation programs on behalf of the City of Madison for income eligible Madison homeowners. These programs include opportunities for minor and major home repairs and improvements. Financing options may differ depending on the improvement needs of the home. For more information please contact Project Home: Project Home Phone: 608-246-3737 ext. 2200

Town of Madison- Rehabilitation Program

For a limited time, Project Home will offer a special rehabilitation program for homeowners recently annexed into the City of Madison. Financing options may differ depending on the improvement needs of the home. For more information please contact Project Home: Project Home Phone: 608-246-3737 ext. 2200

Solar Energy - MadiSUN Solar

MadiSUN is the City of Madison’s initiative to expand solar energy for homes and businesses. RENEW Wisconsin, a local nonprofit organization working to grow renewable energy statewide, administers the programs on behalf of the City.  See the MadiSUN Solar website for more information.

Energy Efficiency for Multifamily Housing - NOAH

The Efficiency Navigator program helps small to medium-sized multi-family housing become more efficient and resilient, while reducing operating costs and utility bills for residents. The program provides complimentary efficiency assessments and step-by-step technical assistance to help building owners navigate implementation of efficiency improvements. Eligible buildings have rents affordable to residents at or below 80% Area Median Income. This housing stock is known as naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH).

The Efficiency Navigator program is also conducting a pilot grant program to fund efficiency upgrades in NOAH in Madison’s Northside and Southwest neighborhoods. Selected buildings will receive $10,000 - $20,000 in funding for upgrades such as efficient lighting, improved heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, improved insulation, air sealing, water softener optimization, tune-ups or replacement, water conserving fixtures, and recommendations to improve home health (e.g. asthma triggers). See the Efficiency Navigator website for more details and to apply.

The Efficiency Navigator pilot grant program is a partnership between Sustain Dane, Elevate, the Northside Planning Council, and the City of Madison.

Energy Efficiency – Focus on Energy

Focus on Energy helps single-family homeowners, renters, and property owners make energy related improvements to their homes.

For single-family homes or under 4 units: Get Started | Focus on Energy

Focus on Energy® offers a range of rebates and services to support the energy efficiency efforts of Wisconsin residents. Each rebate is managed by their network of energy efficiency program specialists and contractors (trade allies). Their variety of rebates can help you save money and energy:

For multifamily homes, 4+ units: Multifamily | Focus on Energy

Focus on Energy® provides resources and incentives to help multifamily property owners reduce energy costs while also improving building comfort and tenant satisfaction. Energy-efficient building improvements are a smart move for property owners as they often lead to:

  • Greater tenant satisfaction and lower turnover rates
  • Fewer maintenance issues and associated costs
  • Lower operating and energy costs

Focus on Energy offers incentives for in-unit and common area upgrades for multifamily properties with four or more units under one roof. Visit Focus on Energy’s website to learn more.