Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

What does it take to tap a small copper line into a live, gushing water main - in two minutes? On Thursday, April 25, you can catch Madison Water Utility's tapping team in action during our race-against-the-clock demonstrations from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. on MLK Blvd. outside the City County Building. It's all part of Madison's Bring Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day events.

Madison Water Utility's tapping team, aka the Mad City Tappers, competed at the 2012 American Water Works Association (AWWA) conference in Dallas and more recently at WATERCON 2013 in Springfield, Illinois. Thursday's demo will be their last public event before traveling to compete at the 2013 AWWA conference in Denver this June.

What does a high-speed tapping look like? Check out video of our Mad City Tappers working hard at the 2011 Wisconsin Water Association competition here:

For media interested in covering Thursday's event or to interview team members, please contact Amy Barrilleaux at (608) 266-9129.


  • Amy Barrilleaux, (608) 266-9129

Water Utility