Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison Water Utility has released our annual Water Quality Report. We are pleased to announce that in 2012, Madison's water met or surpassed all Federal and State standards for health and safety.

The annual Water Quality Report is designed to provide the public with information about our water system, detailing any levels of contaminants detected through our rigorous testing process. The EPA and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources establish regulations that limit the amount of contaminants allowed in drinking water. Our water quality team performs more than a thousand tests every month to continuously monitor Madison's drinking water and ensure it meets or exceeds those standards.

For the first time, Madison Water Utility is distributing the report largely online rather than mailing the full report to every water customer. We are sending post cards to customers letting them know where to find the report online or how to request a paper copy. We expect the move to result in significant cost savings. Last year, we mailed 112,356 copies of the report at a cost of around $30,000.

The 2012 Water Quality Report can be found on our website at:

Paper copies are also being distributed to libraries, hospitals and clinics across Madison and are available on request. Call 608-261-9299 to receive a copy.


  • Amy Barrilleaux, Water Utility PIO, (608) 266-9129

Water Utility