20 MPH Sign Image
20 is Plenty is a program centered on the idea that a speed limit of 20 mph is appropriate for local, residential streets. The purpose of the program is to increase the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles on local streets. The 20 is Plenty program is specifically focused on reducing speeds on local streets in neighborhoods and not larger streets that carry higher volumes of traffic.


Dangers of Speeding

Infographic of speed as it relates to severe injury
Understanding the dangers of speeding is critical to the 20 is Plenty program. Traveling at a high rate of speed increases the distance it takes for a vehicle to come to a stop for two different reasons. The first is a driver’s reaction time. If there were to be a change in the roadway, like a child’s basketball rolling into the street, then a vehicle would travel a certain distance before the driver could react to the change in the environment and their foot hits the brake. They would travel a given distance before they even begin to slow down.

Additionally, once the vehicle begins to slow down then it would take a set distance to come to a complete stop. The total distance it comes for a vehicle to come to a stop is increased the faster the vehicle is traveling. On top of that, when a vehicle is traveling at a faster rate of speed then they have a much narrower field of vision and are not as able to react to what is happening in their peripheral vision.


Why there is a need for change

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from 2009 to 2018 there was a 46% increase in crashes between motor vehicles and pedestrians. This is a trend that we do not want to see continue in the City of Madison and the 20 is Plenty program will help slow down speeds in neighborhoods.

Project Timeline

Phase 1

The 20 is Plenty program was implemented in two phases. Phase 1 is occurred in 2021 and consisted of the speed limit being reduced in two areas within the City of Madison that were selected by the Transportation Commission.

Only streets within the area will have their speed limit reduced as part of Phase 1, not the streets bordering the areas.

The Tenney-Lapham neighborhood     
Map of Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood


The Theresa-Hammersley NeighborhoodMap of Theresa- Hammersley Neighborhood



Phase 2

Proposed to occur in 2023 and includes further implementation across the City of Madison.


Public Engagement and Outreach

Public Information Meetings

no upcoming events

A follow-up survey was sent in the fall of 2021 to gather feedback about the program.
Yard Signs
The City of Madison will have free yard signs available if residents would like to display one in their yard. Yard signs will be available in August to residents who live in Phase 2 areas. 

To request signs, contact traffic@cityofmadison.com

News Releases
20 is Plenty - a Neighborhood Street Speed Reduction Program (posted 8/6/21)

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