Water Utility Board Meetings

The next board meeting is on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 4:30 pm.

Please visit the Water Utility Board's Meeting page for more information about upcoming meetings.

The City of Madison Legislative Center has archived agendas, minutes, and meeting recordings.


The purpose of the board, on behalf of the residents of Madison, is to ensure that the Madison Water Utility:

  • provides consumers with an adequate quantity of high quality water for consumption and fire protection at a reasonable financial and environmental cost; and
  • manages groundwater resources and the water delivery system so future generations of city residents continue to have an excellent water supply.


The Water Utility Board is described by State statute and City ordinance. It is made up of seven voting members and the Director of Public Health (or their designee) as an ex-officio member. The board is charged with authority for managing and operating the Madison Water Utility, under the general direction of the City of Madison Common Council. The Mayor appoints and the Common Council confirms board members for terms of five years for citizen members (with staggered appointment dates) and two years for the alder members; the Director of Public Health's appointment is ongoing. A quorum of the board consists of four members.

Contact the Water Utility Board

Annual Report

Section 13.01(3) of the Madison General Ordinances establishes the duty of the Madison Water Utility Board to "issue an annual report that shall be made available to the Common Council."

Water Utility Board Policy Book

The board has developed and adopted a series of broad written policies. The Water Utility Board Policy Book includes four major policy categories:

  • Outcomes Policies define the direction and expected results of the utility.
  • Executive Limitations Policies establish financial and ethical boundaries for the utility's activities and decisions.
  • Board–Executive Delegation Policies define the relationships and boundaries between the board, the General Manager, and utility staff.
  • Board Process Policies define the roles and responsibilities of board members.