Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Panel Discussion about how Madison can support Black Women Creative Workers

Tuesday, September 20 | 6:00 pm
Community Room 203, Madison College Goodman South Campus, 2429 Perry St, Madison, WI 53713

This panel invites five Black women artists from several artistic genres to share their true experiences in Madison and what should be done to ensure equity and fairness in the Madison art scene. The discussion will center on ways in which art institutions, funders and philanthropic communities can be supportive.

This panel is sponsored by The Madison Arts Commission, Friends of Madison Arts Commission, and Seein-is-Believin LLC. The event is free and open to the public, but in person attendance is limited to the first 200 registrants. Additional registrants may attend virtually. 

The panel, which was the idea of Fabu Carter, the chair of the Madison Arts Commission's Grant Committee, initiated this public discussion, stating, "The altercations that involved artist Lilada Gee raised a larger question: How are Black women artists in Madison respected or disrespected? Because racism is about color and many of us live inside Black bodies, why not look at art inequalities too. This panel is an opportunity to hear the voices of five extraordinary artists and how Madison can best include and support them too." By speaking to their experiences in Madison, these artists bring their experiences to light and will share what steps they believe should be taken to ensure equity in the Madison Arts & Culture sector.

Please show care for our elders and immunocompromised community members by wearing a mask if attending in person. Please refrain from attending in person if you have any symptoms of illness.

Register to attend in person (limited to 200 people):

Watch on Facebook Live:

Email to request any accommodations. 
