Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Five Things the Clerk's Office Would Like You to Know

The Madison City Clerk’s Office would like voters to know five things for this Tuesday’s election:

  1. Eligible voters who are in line when the polls close at 8 p.m. will be able to vote.  If you have a late Monday night after cheering for the Badgers, know that you can vote as long as you are in line at your polling place by 8 p.m. Tuesday.  To find your polling location, visit  
  2. Keep your ballot dry.  It may rain on Election Day.  Please remember that ballots can become wet when held against wet umbrellas or wet jackets.  When inserted into the tabulator, wet ballots may shred and jam the machine.  If your ballot gets wet, please ask a poll worker for a replacement ballot.
  3. Voter ID will not be required tomorrow.  Poll workers will not ask to see your ID this Tuesday.  Voter ID will not be required until after Tuesday’s election.
  4. Make sure your ballot lists the correct school district.  The City of Madison has eight different school districts and 78 ballot styles for this election.  We intend to give you the correct ballot.  If we mistakenly hand you a ballot for the wrong district, please tell a poll worker before inserting your ballot into the tabulator.
  5. Ballot marking pens are now blue.  You will be using a blue pen to mark your ballot.  At the public test of election equipment, we verified that the tabulators correctly counted votes marked with blue pens, black pens, and pencil.  When you finish marking your ballot, please leave the pen in the voting booth for the next voter.


City Hall