Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

With the Presidential Election only 54 days away, the City Clerk's Office encourages voters who have moved to update their voter registration.

The Common Council has declared a Voter Registration Month for September 10 -October 10. Early registration will save voters time waiting in line at the polls.

Eligible voters within the City of Madison can register to vote at the City Clerk's Office, any Madison Public Library, and Madison Fire Station, or with a Special Registration Deputy. The Clerk has deputized over 750 individuals to register voters within the City of Madison during this Open Registration period.

Voter registration applications can also be mailed to the City Clerk's Office prior to October 15. The application can be found online at First time Wisconsin voters registering by mail must also include proof of residence.

Voters can check the status of their registration online at

The Madison City Clerk's Office processed over 32,000 voter registration applications so far this year.

For more information about voter registration and upcoming elections, contact the Madison City Clerk's Office at 266-4601.



  • Maribeth Witzel-Behl, 266-4601