Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

As of 12:30 p.m. Friday, October 31, the City of Madison has issued 14,744 absentee ballots for the November election.

The City Clerk’s Office has issued 7,989 absentee ballots to voters at the counter: 514 so far today, 1,121 on Thursday, 999 on Wednesday, 905 on Tuesday, 817 on Monday, 830 last Friday, 645 last Thursday, 734 last Wednesday, 715 last Tuesday, and 709 last Monday.
Photo ID is not required for the November election.  Voter registration and absentee voting are available in the City Clerk’s Office until 7 p.m. today. 
For comparison, the City Clerk’s Office issued 12,121 absentee ballots for the November 2010 election, including 5,550 absentee ballots issued to voters at the counter.


City Hall