Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Spring Primary is on Feb. 16, 2021.

In Wisconsin, a Spring Primary is necessary when more than two people declare they are running for the same non-partisan office that is up for election in the Spring Election.

There are several offices that will be on the ballot in February:

  • State Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Dane County Board Supervisor, District 12
  • Alderperson, District 9
  • Alderperson, District 16
  • Alderperson, District 18
  • Board Member, Middleton/Cross Plains Area School District

For each race listed above, the two candidates who receive the most votes will advance to the Spring Election ballot. The Spring Election is on Apr. 6, 2021.

All City of Madison voters will see the primary race for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

You can view a map of Dane County Board District 12 on the Dane County Board of Supervisors website. If you live in the district, this primary race will also be on your ballot.

The City of Madison Assessor’s Office website allows you to find out what Alder district and school district you live in. Search by your address on the Property Look-up page. Your Alder district will be listed under “City Hall,” and your school district will be listed under “School Details.” If you live in Alder districts 9, 16, or 18, or you live in the Middleton/Cross Plains Area School District, you will see the primary races for your district on your ballot.


City Hall