Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

With the Partisan Primary only five weeks away, the City of Madison Clerk’s Office encourages voters who will need to vote absentee by mail to submit their absentee requests soon.

50,837 City of Madison voters have already requested an absentee ballot for the Partisan Primary.

Before requesting an absentee ballot, voters might want to verify their registration at

Voters are not required to use a specific absentee request form.  They may submit an absentee request online at, use the form on the Clerk’s Office website, or send a note to the Clerk’s Office.  The request needs to include the voter name, voter registration address, address to which the ballot should be mailed, and a copy or picture of voter ID (if not already on file with the Clerk’s Office).

The City Clerk’s Office sends all absentee ballots to the polls to be counted on Election Day.  In order for an absentee ballot to count, it must be returned early enough that the Clerk’s Office receives it by Election Day, the absentee envelope must be sealed, the voter must sign the envelope, the voter’s witness must sign the envelope, and the witness address must be listed on the envelope.

Voters may track the status of their absentee ballot request online at


City Hall