Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison Clerk’s Office has sent absentee ballots to 40,937 voters for the August 11 Partisan Primary. 

Voters may see the list of candidates that will appear on their ballot by visiting

In the August Primary, each political party narrows down its candidates for the November ballot.  For this election, each voter may select candidates in only one political party of their choice.  Wisconsin has run its fall primary elections this way since the early 1900s.

Voter registration is not associated with a political party in Wisconsin.  The City Clerk’s Office will not be able to identify which political party individual voters had selected.  Votes are cast on a secret ballot.

To mark an absentee ballot:

  1. Choose one party in the party preference section at the top of the ballot.
  2. Find that party’s section on the ballot.
  3. Select individual candidates within that party.

Absentee ballots must be returned early enough that the Clerk’s Office can deliver them to the polls to be counted on Election Day.  In order for an absentee ballot to count, the absentee envelope must be sealed, the voter must sign the envelope, the voter’s witness must sign the envelope, and the witness address must be listed on the envelope.

Voters may check to determine whether the Clerk’s Office has received their ballot back in the mail.


City Hall